Partners - Sweden Experience Tours

Sweden Experience Tours
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Permaculture farm

Located between lake Nävsjön and the Baltic Sea and surrounded by thick forests, this little farm is a true pearl. Here, the sun always shines - because the owner Christel is like the sunshine herself. From spring to late autumn, you can book the little cottage (in swedish 'stuga'), dwell in the permaculture garden and enjoy local, ecological products, like eggs and vegetables from the farm.

If you hike with me around lake Nävsjön or along the Baltic Sea coast at Nävekvarns Klint, we will get to enjoy the farm and Christel's homemade 'fika' (swedish for pastry & coffee) as a conclusion of our hiking day.

Nygran permaculture farm
Christel Guillet, Nygran
B&B, Café

Sävö is a little island in the archipelago of Sörmland and classified as Nature Reserve. It takes only a few minutes by boat in order to get there. You can hike around the island on marked hiking trails either by yourself or with me as your guide. In the summer Café, you may enjoy Maaikes homemade 'fika' (swedish for pastry & coffee) and sandwiches. In the B&B you can stay over night on this wonderful island.

For availabilities, please check
Sävö vandrarhem
boat to Sävö
In the footsteps of Inga Lindström

Thanks to the cooperation of several municipalities in both Sörmland and Östergötland, this platform offers you a number of tips to visit the original film locations, as well as contacts to trained Inga Lindström guides. Thanks to my personal experience on the movie set, I can offer my guests unique insights into the making of the famous German TV series.

long distance hiking path

With almost 1000 kilometres, the Sörmlandsleden offers plenty of variety. It leads through the forests and cultural landscapes of Sörmland, past glittering lakes and points of historical interest.

The sections vary in difficulty. For long-distance hikers, there are shelters for overnight stays and places to rest and eat.
Who else is cooperating with Sweden Experience Tours?
Partnership between SwedenExperienceTours and Eberhardt TRAVEL GmbH
Together, we create unique experiences for German speaking groups visiting Sweden on a 10-days roundtrip.

eberhardt reisen logo
I'm always open for new collaborations with...
... B&Bs, hotels, travel agencies, bloggers, or anyone else who wants to co-create experiences in nature!

Please send me an email, to let me know about your ideas.

Your email adress will be used in order to contact you concerning your request. It will not be used for any other purpose or passed on to a third party.

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